
Casas do CôroCasas do Côro
Country Houses Rural Chic . Eco Friendly Concept Spa . Historic Village Wine Project

Places to visit


- Cathedral
- Doors of the city
- Church of St. Vincent
- Guarda Museum
- Chapel of Mileu
- Tower of Menagem
- Church of the Misericordia
- City Wall
- Seminary and Paço
- Renaissance Window
- Jewry
- Solar de Alarcão
- Alameda de Santo André

Linhares (Historic Villages)

- Linhares Castle
- Fort of São Caetano
- Mother Church
- Solar Brandão de Melo
- Calvary and Fountain of Santa Eufémia
- House - Fortaleza
- Forum and Diving Source
- Pelourinho
- Roman Road - Almocreves Road
- Casa Manuelina

Celorico da Beira

- Roman Castle
- Church of Santa Maria
- Church of St. Peter
- Church of the Misericordia
- Roman Road
- Mother Church
- Solar dos Corte-Real
Website - None Supplied
- Necropolis of S. Gens


- Castle
- Church of Santa Maria de Guimarães
- Church of St. Peter
- Church of the Misericordia
- Convent of the Franciscan Friars
- Chapel of Mr. da Calçada
- Chapel of St. Bartholomew
- Chapel of Santa Eufémia
- Ducal Palace

Marialva (Historic Villages)

- Tower of Menagem
- Church of St. James
- Castle
- Traces of the old fortress, court and jail
- Pelourinho
- Cisterna well
- Chapel of Our Lady of Steps
- Chapel of St. John

Me of

- Pelourinho
- Town hall


- Castle
- Pelourinho
- House of the Freights
- Mother Church of São Paulo
- Church of S. Salvador
- Chapel of Santa Barbara
- Chapel of Santa Luzia
- Chapel of Calvary


- Castle
- Pelourinho
- Spa


Rock Engravings
- Pelourinho

Freixo Numão

- Museum of the Casa Grande
- Old Castle
- Deadline
- Rumansil
- Roman Road
- The Windmill
- Juniper
- Colodreira

Vila Nova de Foz Côa

- Rock carvings
- Mother Church
- Manueline Portico
- Pelourinho

Best Castle

- Castle

Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo

- Mother Church
- Alto da Marofa
- Medieval Walls
- Ruins of the Cristovão de Moura Palace
- Church
- Fortaleza
- Vestiges of the Cloister of the Cistercian Convent of Santa Maria de Aguiar

Castelo Rodrigo (Historic Villages)

- Mother Church
- Pillory Manuelino
- Palace

Almeida (Historic Villages)

- Doors of San Francisco
- Barracks of the Esquadras
- Church of the Misericordia
- Fake Doors
- Mother Church
- Casamatas
- Revelim Double
- Upper Square
- Town hall
- Palace of the Wisdom
- Old Town Hall
- Castle Ruins
- Clock tower

Vilar Formoso

- Mother Church
- Hermitage of Our Lady of Peace
- Chapel of Santo Cristo
- Old Village
- Border with Spain

Good Castle

- Castle
- Square

Castle Mendo (Historic Villages)

- Castle
- Church of the Misericordia
- Old Court


- Pelourinho


- Medieval castle
- Historic center

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